I came this morning
to the sea
felt the wildness
playing there,
the howl of the wind
nipping at the sand,
the froth of the surf
prancing at the cool line
of the land,
and, in the distance,
high and green as emeralds,
beckoning me
to another life.
Can you hear it?
how the world
is always whispering
calling you to wake?
You must not lose your life
in safe, sleepy stories
that are too small for you
to breathe in.
Open your eyes.
It’s only when you
come to the edge
of everything
you think you are
that you finally see
there is no ordinary life.
The very fabric
of the universe
is made of possibility.
Step in.
To become the Ocean,
let go your need
to be the drop.
Let the simple worship
of your breathing
carry you
as you cross the threshold
into the grand discourse
of a larger life.