It’s like a parting
you never wanted to come
a kissing goodbye
and then
a long slow silence
covering your skin
like a chill
in all the places you once embraced
It’s a kind of disappearance
a forced release
like when the burst
of lightning fades
and the rumble of the thunder
trails off into the night
and all that’s left to you
is the afterimage
into your eyes
haunting you with longing
And then, at last, the grieving
as you finally allow yourself
to recognize it all for what it is
a disappointed dream
a possibility flashed into being
only to fade
far too soon
Be gentle now
with your soul
mind your self
with tenderness
Your heart will be whole
in the end
but for now we walk
every day
with loss nestled at our side
comforting us
even as he coaxes
one more fading dream
from our quivering grasp
“Let it go now,”
he says, kindly.
“It’s all right.
You can let it go.”